Nevut Chapter Leadership

A Nevut Chapter is a welcoming community of IDF lone soldier veterans (LSVs) that share camaraderie, support and resources. The core focus of a chapter revolves around the Community, Career Advancement, and Well-being programs. The common goal of all chapter programs and events is to be a community and a resource to empower fellow LSVs to live a meaningful and successful civilian life.

Nevut is:

  • Always welcoming, 
  • Respectful of all LSVs
  • NOT political and does not align with any political party or ideology.
  • Does not engage in IDF bashing
  • Does not engage in Unit bashing
  • Does not condone violence or hate

Chapter Leader Guidelines

A Chapter Leader is the local “face” of Nevut. He or she enthusiastically commits personal time to plan and execute empowering programs and events. A leader is caring, empathetic, respects all Lone Soldier Veterans and Jewish values, and realizes this is both a responsibility and a tremendously fulfilling opportunity. 

Each chapter needs to have a President and 1-2 Coordinators. 

This will be a one year commitment with an opportunity to extend for an additional year.

Nevut Chapters

  • Have at least one event/program per month responsive to specific needs of local LSVs and be within Nevut’s three core areas of programming (Career Advancement, Community and Connection, and Well-being).
  • Build a list of local resources for: career guidance, job placement, private therapy and Jewish community/affiliation
  • Follow IDF statutes: only kosher food, no programs on Shabbat (other than Shabbatons in a Shabbat environment), halachic standards to be determined by Orthodox affiliation
  • Fundraise for chapter events; promote general Nevut fundraisers
  • Maintain appropriate records and communication with Nevut headquarters

If you are interesting in becoming involved in a Nevut  Chapter Leadership role, please fill out and submit the following form. Thank you for your interest!